Year(s) Built:
1943 Rebuilt 1985
Expanding Info:
Lease Only Baldwin VO1000 rebuilt to SW1200 specs. This has been fully upgraded but we’ve just acquired another locomotive to replace this one. This is a terrific locomotive that would serve someone very well. It’s stored in operating condition in our heated shop due an inoperable PDI engine coolant heater system. We just installed a new alerted system in anticipation of the FRA one person crew rule deadline. Here is some info
VO1000 frame, EMD 12 cylinder 567BC block
Built 1943 rebuilt 1985
fully FRA compliant, currently blue carded and operable currently in service
MU equipped
26NL brakes
alerted installed 2024
modern electrical and AAR control stand
good wheels
interchange capable
PDI engine heater currently INOP
body in excellent condition, very well kept
GURU freeze protection valves installed